1. “Solaris – M” Ltd.; veneer and laminated MDF, tel. 02/9454931; ( 359) 29454931; 02/9454931; www.solarism.com

2. “Hose-2” Ltd.; raw MDF and laminated MDF; tel. 052/ 510202; www.hosse.bg

3. “Gospodinovi Stroymarket” Ltd.; raw MDF; tel. 054/ 860006; www.gs-bg.com

4. “Teo Sol Bulgaria” JSC; mordants, primers, varnishes and paints; tel. 02/ 9204042

5. “ANN- 2” Ltd.; water-based lacquers and paints; www.milesibg.com

6. “Kamarton” Ltd., adhesives, paints and abrasives; www.kammarton.com

7. “KARA-KA” Ltd.; casings; www.kara-ka.com

8. “Mayer Locking Systems” Ltd., casings; www.mauerlocks-bg.com

9. “Intesa” Ltd.; www.intesa.bg

10. “Finess-GM” Sole Trader; glass and triplex matting; www.fines-bg.com

Partners (Construction Companies)

1. “Stroykolux Dzhabarov” Ltd.| www.str-dzhabarov.bg

2. “Rubikon” Ltd.| www.rubiconbg.com

3. “Bulbet-05” Ltd.| www.bulbet.bg

4. “Union Correct- Varna” Ltd.І www.urbancreativestudio.bg

5. “Gestalt Bulgaria” Ltd.| www.gestalt.bg

6. “Kalena 1” Ltd.

7. “Vip Service” Ltd.| www.vipvarna.imot.bg

8. “Avtoelit ” Ltd.

9. “DreamBuild” Ltd.

10. “Fastbuilding” Ltd.

11. “Dom Elit” Ltd.

12. “Реал Груп” ЕООД

13. “П-Инвест” ЕООД | www.hotelregatta.com

14. “Детелина Тур” ООД | www.lagunabeachresort.net

15. “Вилсор” ООД | www.vilsor-bg.com

16. “София Проджект” ООД І www.sofiaproject.com

17. “Блексирама” АД | www.blacksearama.com

18. “Вамо-Б” ЕООД
